early years

The foundation of Tekoa's passion for health was her ethnic identity and religious faith, with the Bible being her initial guide.

“ ‘Tell us how you came into the Mucusless Diet Healing System…’
- Brother Air
‘It spawned from my Hebrew-Israelite background. My brother was a Hebrew-Israelite.'”
- Tekoa

Before she prioritized her health, Tekoa's eating was carefree.She indulged in anything and everything her stomach desired.

“We were of course some corrupt Christians—we loved our pork, chicken, fish, cheese and anything that could be put on a plate.”

It was through the Bible that Tekoa first learned about dietary do's and don'ts.Following the “dietary law” given in the Old Testament.

“He (Tekoa's Brother) took us through those passages and we decided we were the original Jews on the planet.so we followed the diet that was adhered to by the Hebrew-Israelites in the Bible age.”

In her late teens, Tekoa began adopting more advanced dietary practices.

“ As I progressed in age to about 16-18 I got with a Brother who decided to study more……he decided there was something more to this and they started studying the practices of Rastafari.Their diet was a little more disciplined where they didn’t eat any animals—except fish.

Progressing steadily, Tekoa was directed to the highest peak:The Mucusless Diet Healing System.

“I decided I would take it a little further…I was approached by a Sister……she knew about the Healing System and so we went one day, I was with child—my 3rd daughter—and I decided that this was for me”

Finding a copy of Rational Fasting at a local bookstore, Tekoa was able to begin her studies.Through her daughter's participation in the "Voices Of Youth" program, Tekoa's path would cross with Victor, the same musician who would go on to introduce Brother Air to the Mucusless Diet.Victor, who had been teaching her daughter saxophone, began to incorporate lessons and consultations into their session about the Mucusless Diet.It began when they started asking Victor more questions, and transformed into Vick guiding them down this transformative path.It is thanks to that guidance that Tekoa is where she is today.After immersing herself in the Mucusless Diet and years of practice that surpass most public practitioners, Tekoa understands it is not solely about the diet; it is about cleansing the blood.

“‘Let’s talk about being pregnant while practicing the Mucusless Diet’
- Brother Air

'I started practicing the Mucusless Diet with my 3rd child
Her father was basically a vegetarian—but he ate fishI talked to him about transitioning off of fish…’”

children & the diet

During Tekoa's third pregnancy, she decided to stop eating fish.A choice that would cause significant strain in her relationship at the time.

''His justification was that it was in the Bible—which I did not adhere to as often''

He argued in favor of the dietary law of the Bible which allowed fish for Hebrew-Israelites.Tekoa rejected this, eating fruits and cucumbers exclusively during her third pregnancy.

“During my child bearing days I would do primarily plums, strawberries, grapes, cucumbers—I ate so many cucumbers, I basically lived off of cucumbers.

When I did eat any kind of starch it was not excessive.

And I was mindful that when I ate excessively it was not processed food, and that it was not after certain hours.

I would eat when the sun was straight up.

And I would drink a lot of herbs (teas).

I continued my enemas all the way into my 9th month.”

After establishing a strong foundation in the Mucusless Diet, Tekoa decided to pursue a career in child care.

“‘Okay you’re practicing this and you’ve become almost an activist for this, talk about that’
- Brother Air

‘I worked and got certified by the Hamilton county day care system…

…It was horrible because some of the people who would bring their children, they ate animals And they would want me to feed their children whatever they brought them

I would ask the parents to not bring the food, I will feed the children.'”

Using vouchers she received, Tekoa bought huge quantities of fruits and vegetables to feed the children under her care.Even partnering with 5 vegetarian families she worked with to fund the endeavor.Tekoa initially found this style of childcare to be successful, but she noticed that once the children left her care, they often got sick.After a disagreement with a parent, Tekoa made a decision: she would only offer childcare services to families and children who followed a diet free of animal products.

“A couple of times I was charged with being biased.And I had to explain to them that it was hard watching people kill their children and not say anything……so I would only do child care with vegetarians.Because then at least the child can say:'I don’t want that, that’s soy''Or I don’t want to eat that, that made me sick.'”

Based on my research, I believe Tekoa began her practice more than a decade before Brother Air.However, the exact duration of her practice may not be publicly known.During her 50+ year tenure with the Mucusless Diet, Tekoa has cultivated an impressive Yogic practice.Currently, she uses this practice as a way to make a living and on occasion share the Mucusless Diet Healing System to excelling students.Tekoa maintains a strong connection with Brother Air, Professor Spira, and the Mucus-free community, where she continues to offer guidance and hope to those who walk this path.